Why hold onto the archaic paper sign-in process for visitors, patients, and vendors when a modern, efficient approach is readily available? Revolutionize your visitor management system and enhance your visitors’ experience with digital solutions, while boosting productivity and cutting costs. Get ready to embrace transformation and bid farewell to the traditional method of recording visitor details.
Visitor Management
Visitor Management System
Keep Track Of Your Visitors
Our REACT – Visitor Manager System can be useful wherever visitors and visits need to be tracked, including schools and other educational institutions, manufacturing sites, financial institutions, corporate offices and shared office spaces, healthcare institutions such as hospitals, clinics, and medical offices, retirement communities and assisted living facilities, apartment and/or condominium complexes, and government facilities.
Visitor management is more than just signing in your guests, it is a comprehensive way to keep everyone in your workplace safe.
Benefits of Visitor Management System
Streamlined Processes
Visitor Manager uses automated tablet kiosks to help streamline the check-in process, reducing wait times for all visitors and making it easier for authorized visitors to enter the facility. Such systems can also notify people within the facility that a visitor has arrived.
Better Record Keeping
Visitor Manager provides a permanent record of visitors who have entered the facility. Details of the visit, including the date, time, destination/person visited, and purpose of the visit, can be recorded. Visitor Management Systems may also include the capability to create digital waivers and contracts for compliance purposes.
Enhanced Security
Visitor Manager will instantly inform security teams about who is in the facility at any particular time and details about their destinations, thus reducing workplace security threats. This capability may be especially useful in cases where first responders to an emergency need to immediately establish who is in the facility and where they are.
More Efficient Use Of Human Resources
A visitor management system can reduce the workload of receptionists or other staff charged with checking the identity of visitors, freeing them to perform higher-level tasks. In some applications, a visitor management system can provide a complete substitute for a human attendant. For example, AIS’ Visitor Manager a virtual visitor management system – provides many of the functions provided by human receptionists, including connecting visitors with employees, badge-printing, while providing enhanced security services (including video capture).
End-to-End Video Security Solutions From AIS
AIS understands that you are building, upgrading or augmenting your security system and your security teams to ensure you have a comprehensive program. Our solutions portfolio provides the valuable assistance that you need. We understand and we’re here to help you to build it right.
Video Security Solutions Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minnesota
Video Security Partner