Creating an effective network design is a time-consuming, expensive process. Your company may not have the in-house resources to tackle the task on your own. By outsourcing your network design, our experts at can save your business time and money on the process. Employees can stay focused on priority business objectives while we provide network improvements within your budget.
We take a comprehensive approach to designing and building your business IT network. Our process includes:
Assessment: We evaluate your existing systems and business requirements to understand your needs for a new or updated network.
Recommendations: Experts recommend the most appropriate hardware and software infrastructure for your specific location and requirements.
Plan: Our team creates a plan that includes the most updated technologies.
Implementation: We implement and configure your devices and technologies that make up your network’s functional parts.
Maintenance: We provide ongoing upgrades and support services once your new network is up and running.
At AIS, we take a comprehensive approach to address your network infrastructure challenges. We provide a full range of network services, from assessment and design to management and support. What’s more, we help you strategically improve your network to meet business requirements and streamline your operations. Our network design also reduces security vulnerabilities to help protect your business from the costly consequences of a cyber attack.