Why Jon Pottebaum is a difference maker:

In a career that traces back 25 years—predating digital technologies—Pottebaum started as a technician with Advanced Imaging Solutions (AIS) in 2000 and was celebrated for his ability to handle a substantial workload. But while his client list burgeoned, the dealer saw leadership qualities in Pottebaum, thus he was moved into a management role. He eventually became AIS’ service manager and now serves as operations and service manager. Passionate about his job and the company, Pottebaum continues to focus his efforts on sparking growth. He also played a big part in the company’s decision to remodel in 2021.
An avid boater and golfer, Pottebaum holds an associate’s degree from Hawkeye Community College. He’s currently taking courses to complete his bachelor’s degree.
“In this crazy world of supply chain issues, Jon’s really shown his abilities as a leader. He’s managed to work with AIS’ vendor partners, his team and our clients to ensure that our clients are up and running. That task has been a bit daunting and tedious to say the least, but he’s managed to make it work. Jon is extremely passionate about his job and working at AIS and continues to focus on helping the company grow. Jon was a big part of the decision-making team of the AIS remodel this past year. Jon continues to grow as a leader and is getting very good at making lemonade out of lemons.”
— Stephanie Keating Phillips, Director of Solutions, Advanced Imaging Solutions