JFK was quoted as saying “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” AIS isn’t interested in missing out on the future. Times are changing and so are we. AIS has been a leading provider of document technology solutions for over twenty years. Our partnerships with Konica Minolta, Sharp and Lexmark are as solid as ever. The hardware part of our business is well established in the Twin Cities marketplace and continues to grow each year. With that said, over the past few years our customers have continued to ask us if we were going to venture into the IT space. We saw the need and opportunity in that market but wanted to make sure we entered it the right way. Marketplace needs have changed so we have adapted and are now a full IT solutions provider. The future is now the present and AIS can now offer our clients a total single source solution for all their IT, Voice, Workflow and Print needs. We are offering IT procurement, projects, 24/7 monitoring, security, data back up, cloud solutions and more. Please contact us at 952-930-1882 or visit our website at ais-mn.com to learn more about our IT capabilities.